Webinar video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu5qTgRzOUM
Presentation slides

In this presentation, we will explore one of the most compelling applications of areal data: disease mapping. Following a brief historical note, we will introduce the most widely used univariate space-time models in this domain. Subsequently, we will delve into recently developed multivariate models, showcasing an interesting application. In addition (if we have time), we will present a straightforward alternative for analyzing large datasets, encompassing both univariate and multivariate models.
Short Bio
Lola Ugarte is full professor at Public University of Navarre where she heads the Spatial Statistics research group. Her primary research lines focus on the development of methodology in spatial and spatio-temporal statistics, always with the aim of solving problems in various fields, notably epidemiology, public health, and remote sensing. She has also worked in the general field of small area estimation and its application in official statistics. In 2021, she received the SEIO-BBVA Award for the best contribution in Applied Statistics. In June 2024, she was awarded the SEIO Medal (Statistics section). She is currently the director of the INAMAT2 Research Institute (Institute for Advanced Materials and Mathematics) at UPNA and the president of FENStatS (European Federation of Statistical Societies).
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